Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cranberry-Apricot Muffins

Very good. Not much else to say.

Cranberry Muffins

1/2 cup whole-wheat flour
1/2 cup white flour
1 egg
2 tsp bourbon
1 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp salt
3/8 cup sugar
1/6 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup skim milk
scant 1/2 cup chopped frozen cranberries
4-5 dried apricots, chopped

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Combine all dry ingredients except fruit in a large bowl. Add the wet ingredients and stir until nearly but not quite smooth. Fold in the cranberries and apricots.

Spoon into a paper-lined muffin tin. Bake 20 minutes.

Makes 6.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Making these to bring as a snack on my camping trip, except with blueberries instead of cranberries. I'm still in the midst of baking, but I'm wondering if the bourbon is going to be what makes these unique.